About us

VTM fencing club

where your Olympic dream comes true


VTM Fencing Club, originated from Jericho hill fencing club established at West Point Grey in 1976 by the support of Bac Tau. It is the longest fencing club in British Columbia.

The founder, Bac Tau, graduated from the National Institute of Physical Education in Paris and was awarded the highest qualification for fencing masters. He used to be the coach of the Finnish national team and the head coach of Northern California. Fencers under his training have participated in three Olympic Games. Though Bac’s fencing style is rooted from French tradition, with his personal research and years of practice he has transcended one particular genre.


Given this diversity, the fencing books written by him have been highly recommended by senior officials of the French Academy of Fencing (AAF), the International Academy of Fencing (AAI), the International Fencing Federation (FIE), the International Olympic Committee (IOC), and even received Signed by former IOC President Samaranch. These awards and recognitions by authorities lead the fencing book to serve as a comprehensive reference for fencers and fencing coach candidates of all levels.

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